The dashboard provides a quick overview of the SiteKiosk Online team and connected clients.


The most important views are displayed in boxes. The boxes consist of a title bar and the content below it. The blue arrows at the right edge of the title bar link to the detailed information about the content of the box.

If a box is moved or resized, the new position and size is indicated in light blue. The other boxes are moved automatically. The title bar allows drag and drop to reposition the box. When the mouse is over a box, a small gray angle is displayed in the lower right corner. By clicking and dragging the angle, the size of the box can be changed. Depending on its content, each box has its own minimum size.

The gray triangle next to the tab title opens a menu, which can be used to reset the dashboard layout.


All Projects for this team are listed here. For each project the name, the number of clients assigned to it, the project description, the date of the last modification and a button to start the preview are displayed. 

Clients Status

This pie chart summarizes the status of all clients. The total number of managed clients is in the center, a list of the individual statuses is given in the legend to the right. The colors are identical to those of the pictograms in the client list.

Projects Status

Similar to the clients status, the pie chart shows how the projects are distributed on the clients. A distinction is made between clients that are using the latest version of the project assigned to them (Up to Date), clients that are using an older version of their project (Not Up to Date) and clients that have not been assigned a project.


Notifications are listed here to draw attention to possible problems with individual clients. The notifications are grouped by their type. Which types of notifications are displayed can be configured in the team settings.


On the map, all selected clients are represented by their pictogram. Clicking on the image opens the monitoring overview for this client.


The number of licensed clients and the total number of licenses are displayed in a bar chart.

Storage space

Here, two bar graphs display the remaining free project and log memory space.


News and announcements about SiteKiosk Online are listed here, such as changes in the latest SiteKiosk Online version.